What people are saying about Elizabeth Pyjov and Happiness Sangha
Thank you for sharing your wisdom and energy with our students! Your insights resonated deeply with them. It was great to see them engaged and I know your message will stay with them as they navigate their legal careers. We are so grateful to have had you as our guest speaker!
Thank you for sharing your wisdom and energy with our students! Your insights resonated deeply with them. It was great to see them engaged and I know your message will stay with them as they navigate their legal careers. We are so grateful to have had you as our guest speaker!
I graduated on May 19! I still practice the mantra of thank you to the universe. I have no complains and that is such a powerful practice that I learned from your meditations. Thank you. Your practices helped me out so much during hard times at law school, so I am very grateful.
I just had a thought come into my mind of something you said during one of the courses I have taken. It was something about how we are so lucky to be in these human bodies where there is so much potential to share happiness with ourselves and others. I wish I remembered the exact words you used, but it was so nice to have that thought come into my mind. I really benefit so much from hearing you speak! Thank you Elizabeth. Your work is so appreciated!! You're changing my thought patterns in the best way possible.
Congratulations and thank you for the groundbreaking, critically important work you are doing, Elizabeth! You are making such a huge positive difference for our profession! Your presentation last week to my first-year law students on freedom from the inner critic and leading through compassion was brilliant.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom and energy with our students! Your insights resonated deeply with them. It was great to see them engaged and I know your message will stay with them as they navigate their legal careers. We are so grateful to have had you as our guest speaker!
I graduated on May 19! I still practice the mantra of thank you to the universe. I have no complains and that is such a powerful practice that I learned from your meditations. Thank you. Your practices helped me out so much during hard times at law school, so I am very grateful.
I just had a thought come into my mind of something you said during one of the courses I have taken. It was something about how we are so lucky to be in these human bodies where there is so much potential to share happiness with ourselves and others. I wish I remembered the exact words you used, but it was so nice to have that thought come into my mind. I really benefit so much from hearing you speak! Thank you Elizabeth. Your work is so appreciated!! You're changing my thought patterns in the best way possible.
Your meditations have lifted a heavy emotional weight off my shoulders for that I am appreciative and grateful. You provide enough positive energy for the week. You help me keep things in proper perspective. Thank you and see you next Wednesday.
Thank you so much for bringing your gifts to share with us. I benefited immensely from these sessions. A definite highlight for me!
Truly, one of the best-spent hours of my life! Thank you so much!
With my focus on your teachings, my life has completely changed. Most important, is my relationship with my son. With your help, I realize he has his own path, and I now send him compassion, acceptance, and no longer have expectations for him based on my life experience. It is magical. He is opening up, albeit slowly, but he is not shutting down when we talk. I have inner lightness when I accept him. He is a wonderful human being. I am also focusing on taking care of my body, and I feel better 100% of the time; I have more energy to greet each day with compassion and acceptance. I am deeply grateful for your teachings and encouragement. My life is completely different than it was five years ago. Meditation is a practice, takes time, and it hugely rewarding. I am learning so much and have so much to learn.
Thank you for sharing your patience, compassion and joy.
That 1-hour session was like my Holy Hour... soo many profound life lessons. Loved it. Thanks a ton for doing this. Cannot wait to attend many more. Thank you!
Thank you for charting us on the path to happiness. You certainly brightened my day. Excellent program.
Elizabeth, your expertise and sense of caring are phenomenal, you’re definitely on my list of people to follow now!
I just completed the Intentions Class and I'm in tears... Thank you for something so truly important to my life... It's strange I've never met you and in these past few weeks you have contributed so much to my life. Thank you so much, lots of energy and heartfelt wishes and love and lightness to you always.
Your sessions were amazing and I am so happy I got to meet you!
Participating in your Inner Lightness class has been one of the most meaningful and beautiful experiences of my life. I am so grateful for all I learned with you and the many participants.
Your teaching is still going strong with me, Elizabeth. Thank you for being an articulate, mindful and generous teacher.
Elizabeth, your session brought us closer to the essence of who we are and the shared experience you created was amazing. Thank you.
Thank you for sharing your gifts with us!
Thank you for your gifts and influence.
You have created such meaningful time teaching meditation and the science behind it!
Elizabeth, I watched your poetry class tonight for the 2nd time. It was beautiful the first time. But this time I watched it as the meditation and WOW. I love the whole world at this moment. Thank you beyond. With love,
Just wanted to say thank you again for your guided meditations this week. It was phenomenal and I really appreciate it. I can't wait to continue on this journey. Thank you again.
Many thanks to Elizabeth for her enlightening presentation as part of the American Immigration Lawyers Association's lawyer wellbeing week. She is a knowledgeable speaker who keeps the audience engaged with personal stories, theology, history, neuroscience, and plenty of interaction. The topic was self-compassion, and the event was truly outstanding. I especially appreciated the reminder that all sorts of daily activities can be acts of compassion. Examples that come to mind are taking walks, resting, and eating a healthy meal.
Thank you so much for the presentation, it was helpful beyond belief! I would love to receive any books on the topic of self-compassion that you recommend.
Elizabeth, Thank you for hosting such an important and impactful session at Carlyle this morning. Congratulations – this event is the most widely live attended keynote speaker we have done thus far in the Wellbeing program. You successfully attracted 237 employees, as well as retained over 180 of them through the end of the Q&A. We all learned so much about our inner critical voice, but more importantly, how to quell it. We look forward to staying in touch as you develop other content in your practice. Warmest regards,
Thank you so much for making an incredible difference and contribution to my overall experience at the conference!! I left truly inspired and grateful
You are amazing, and I'm so thankful that our paths crossed!
Timely and much needed. Everyone needs to hear this. Thank you.
I enjoyed her narrative and the self critic info along with her educational background.
You do such amazing work. You changed my life and I just want everyone I know to have the benefit of your wisdom. Thank you for all that you do.
Thank you for doing this for us, Elizabeth! I feel so much support and just kind, warm thoughts all around me. You always give me that necessary boost and I so look forward to it!
I wish I had a course like this early in my career.
I’ve been feeling a little remiss, and just wanted to express my gratitude for your classes. They’ve been truly life changing, challenging, and inspiring. I’m still absorbing and working through so much of the material., I’m grateful for them, and for you, and I just wanted to say from my heart - thank you.
Totally enjoyed this class. What an amazing presenter! Elizabeth's message applies to all parts of life. So glad that I had the privilege of seeing this presentation, which maybe, the best CLE lecture that I ever took.
Fantastic! This is a must watch.
That was incredible thank you so much! I've received so many notes complimenting you and your session and am so grateful that you came in to speak with us.
Thanks for a great class. My take-away is to be more patient with myself and how great it feels to check in with myself during the day.
Take away is that 80% of our thoughts are negative and that when sharing around the table, the majority of us experience the same negative thoughts. Thank you so much for this, I look forward to practicing self-compassion.
Best course on Lawline. Truly worthwhile to spend this time.
What an amazing class. Thank you so much. I’m hearing good buzz around the office about it.
Your teaching is very healing and entered into my life at a very good time after almost 34 years in the NY State judiciary. I am so grateful that I found you, although I wish it had been before I retired.
Excellent presentation! I really like how Elizabeth presented the information. I will certainly be applying it. Great course.
Outstanding! Immediately useful techniques to start the journey to self- compassion by an insightful and inspiring practitioner. Please return soon to Lawline!
Thank you so much for today’s CLE course. It truly felt life changing; I meditate regularly but still struggle daily with inner happiness and the inner critic.
The session was like a warm bath of light… so brilliant yet soft at the same time. Thank you!
This kind of classes should be mandatory in all schools! The world would be a much better place.
This was the absolute best course and what I learned I can share with everyone- and everyone could benefit! Thank you!
Thank you for facilitating today's workshop on your inner critic with the Sparkwise team. I left the session feeling inspired and energized!
I am really enjoying your teaching. As one who has been practicing law for almost 34 years (32 in a very large law firm), I find your teaching to be very healing and entering my life and experience at a very good time. I am grateful that you have chosen your path and vocation. I do believe it holds enormous power to heal and change the world.
This is my favorite course so far. It was great to have a clear definition of self-compassion and to obtain and practice-some easy exercises associated with it.
I met Elizabeth at Harvard Law School. We had some classes together and became good friends, so when I saw that she was offering lunch-hour meditation sessions I thought I'd go and show my support for her. I'd never meditated before that, and I'll never forget how it felt the first time. I couldn't stop smiling. It was like I had unlocked the key to some simple, ancient wisdom, and Elizabeth is the one who showed me the way. Since then, I've taken several of Elizabeth's courses and each one has been better than the last. My journey started to support her, but she has (wittingly or unwittingly!) been the one who has supported me. Can't recommend her enough.
I’m finding it quite healing and delightful
The best way I can describe my reaction to this lesson is this.... I've had all the pieces of the puzzle scattered around. At first the pieces were far away from each other. But they have come closer together in the past two decades and some pieces have spoken more loudly than others in certain parts of my life. This lesson is like putting all the edge pieces of the puzzle together and now the rest can fill in much more easily. The lesson spoke volumes to me and has given me the structure to be much more purposeful with where I put my energy.
By the way, my son was born ten days ago. I'm in a much better place now and better positioned to be a good father than I was a year ago because of your teachings. Thank you.
A bit late to the game, but in honor of Mental Health Awareness month - I wanted to share something I've been trying that has really changed my attitude, my inner self talk, and my general world viewpoints. I met Elizabeth while we were classmates at Harvard Law School and we reconnected at an event a few months back– we talked about our journeys, what we wanted for the future, and what we’re each going through right now. I mentioned some areas I've been struggling with, especially mentally, and she took the time to build a personalized journey for me to tackle them through science of the mind, meditations, and intellectually rigorous classwork to help me understand WHY I was feeling the way I did and HOW I could overcome and be a better me. I’ve been really impressed with what she’s been able to do for me so far, and if there's anyone in my network who wants to try a new approach to being the best person they can be, cultivating more energy, and being generally happier, let me introduce you to someone who's seen and helped 10,000+ people before me.
I had so many wonderful take-aways that were helpful! I could have bolded everything you said as it was so helpful and key to my life as I grow more each day. I now realize that I am human and will make mistakes and this is okay, I still choose to be happy and live my best life despite things [sometimes not going my way].... This is growth for me!! Thank you!! :) This class has really helped me to understand the how and why I have patterns not just in financial trading but in many areas and is a key learning for me going forward. Thank you so much!! I am like a sponge to all of your wonderful material!!
Something I really like about your classes is that they are interconnected and because of this, practices that I have learned in an earlier class are easier to apply and integrate into my daily life. This interconnectedness also ignites my brain in a fun way because I love to make connections between different things I am learning. Your continual return to ancient texts I find refreshing- there is such a trend for teachers to make everything seem new.
The gratitude part was easy. I had two full pages of things I was grateful for in 2024! A lot of those were a result of how much I have learned about myself and how my relationship with myself and with others have changed for the better. Thank you so much for bringing so much peace and happiness into my life. I am so looking forward to 2025!
Again, thank you for creating this nourishing and supportive practice and community. I’m discovering parts of myself that were always there (since childhood) that I did not understand. The self-knowledge and peace I’m uncovering are supporting me daily. You are a gift to this world.
I just finished my final session of the journey. Thank you so much for everything! It has been a true pleasure to walk this path with you and it has helped me to shape my life into what I truly want it to be. I have learned SO MUCH!!!... It is so clear that you really care about your students. I appreciate you so much. Thank you for all your wisdom & compassion. Deep bows to you, Renée
Every single week my mind is blown.
I just finished the first individualized class and my mind is blown!
Elizabeth, thank you for leading such profound classes and meditations. My life and future's so much better with you in it and guiding it.
I am absolutely loving your content and approach. Can’t wait to listen to this one! I truly am already noticing a difference in how I feel throughout the day and how I react.
I am so grateful to be in your program and learning these things. Thank you so much for everything you do. I can feel the genuine compassion exuding from you in everything you say.
In this Happiness Sangha class with Elizabeth I learned to embrace life, to be present, to have perspective, and how I am one small part of a very large fabric. I liked everything about it.
Life-changing and life-affirming. My relationships have improved and I highly recommend the Happiness Sangha classes.
This Happiness Sangha class with Elizabeth has instilled in me a discipline of meditating once if not twice a day. This class got me through one of the more difficult periods of my life, and I am forever grateful for it. The peace I feel now is testament to the power of Elizabeth's teaching and to the various practices the class incorporated. I feel I have access to an inner strength I suspected was within, but not sure on how to access. Thank you.
I learned that happiness is a spiritual practice, and to see myself and others through a lens of strength and appreciation.
Terrific class and teaching. I’ve studied with Jon Kabat-Zinn, Jack Kornfield, the Insight teachers and others – but the way Elizabeth teaches helps access the information as if by osmosis.
I have become more productive and procrastinate less. I feel less anxious and more focused. Things seem so much more colorful, vivid, interesting, and enjoyable. I have felt freer to do what I want to do, in life and in the moment… Both intellectually and on an intuitive level, I’ve learned some of the benefits of being compassionate to others and to myself, such as being able to face difficulties more calmly, enjoying things more, appreciating people more, and creative a positive feeling in other people, whether I know them or not.
In this Happiness Sangha class with Elizabeth I learned to embrace life, to be present, to have perspective, and how I am one small part of a very large fabric. I liked everything about it.
In this Happiness Sangha class with Elizabeth I learned to embrace life, to be present, to have perspective, and how I am one small part of a very large fabric. I liked everything about it.
Life-changing and life-affirming. My relationships have improved and I highly recommend the Happiness Sangha classes.
This Happiness Sangha class with Elizabeth has instilled in me a discipline of meditating once if not twice a day. This class got me through one of the more difficult periods of my life, and I am forever grateful for it. The peace I feel now is testament to the power of Elizabeth's teaching and to the various practices the class incorporated. I feel I have access to an inner strength I suspected was within, but not sure on how to access. Thank you.
I learned that happiness is a spiritual practice, and to see myself and others through a lens of strength and appreciation.
Terrific class and teaching. I’ve studied with Jon Kabat-Zinn, Jack Kornfield, the Insight teachers and others – but the way Elizabeth teaches helps access the information as if by osmosis.
I have become more productive and procrastinate less. I feel less anxious and more focused. Things seem so much more colorful, vivid, interesting, and enjoyable. I have felt freer to do what I want to do, in life and in the moment… Both intellectually and on an intuitive level, I’ve learned some of the benefits of being compassionate to others and to myself, such as being able to face difficulties more calmly, enjoying things more, appreciating people more, and creative a positive feeling in other people, whether I know them or not.
In this Happiness Sangha class with Elizabeth I learned to embrace life, to be present, to have perspective, and how I am one small part of a very large fabric. I liked everything about it.
I want to thank you for the take your energy back from past relationship workshop. I found all the exercises helpful but found the second workshop to be particularly powerful.
Thanks again for Practices for letting go of Difficult Exes; I surprisingly feel much lighter and free compared to before I attended the classes. I can accept that it's over and still wish my Ex well. Right now I feel a surge of positive energy feeling my body and mind; I believe my energy has come back to me, rightfully so.
I felt I was in a cocoon... so safe and coddled and loved.
In this class, I learned that just like me, all beings have experienced a thousand joys and a thousand sorrows. Just like me, all beings wish to be free from suffering. Now I feel that I'm not alone in my joys and sorrows.
I always feel more grounded and more compassionate towards myself and others when practicing with Elizabeth. Thank you.
What shifted is how I think, feel, and act towards myself. I am gentler and kinder towards myself; I am less judgmental and harsh. There's less guilt. I feel calmer and more able to handle challenges without negativity or stress reactions taking over, despite things 'being stressful'. This is a huge shift.
In this class I realized that the mind can only deal with so much, while the heart can hold everything.
In this Happiness Sangha class I learned that compassion is a non-stress response to suffering! And from the sessions of this class I have started to realize that myself compassion was missing self-soothing, and self-tenderness before going into action mode to fix. My fear of not solving the problem fast was getting the best of me. Now I picture someone just holding my hand and soothing me.
I have become less demanding with myself and others, and more flexible and open to other's experiences and needs. I have become more conscious that everyone is suffering. I have become more compassionate.
Incredible class: uniting with humanity opens my heart to all. I feel a shift in my awareness of compassion—it is daily now. It is intentional and alive. My feelings towards others have shifted—I appreciate the common humanity and human condition in a visceral way.
I learned that self-compassion serves yourself, others and the world.
I love all the stories and poems and scientific readings. I think the class is wonderful and a gift! Thank you.
I took Compassion Class with Elizabeth for the first time a few years ago, and I have kept up a daily practice ever since. This is my second time taking this class. This time my low-level anxiety shifted to a calm knowing and trust in what is.
You were amazing. I only wish the presentation was on YouTube so I could watch it again. The 4-7-8 breathing has been especially helpful ... You have a gift. Your presentation was both calming and engaging. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us.
I have taken this class with Elizabeth many times, and it's amazing each time. What shifted for me this time in particular was my ability to be more compassionate to myself. Compassion class is a gift. It has changed the quality of my life.
I just listened to your Valentine's meditation this morning and it was very beautiful and healing for me and very releasing in a good way. You are the master of compassion. Have a beautiful day. Thank you so much.
During this course I've become much more 'tranquil' in dealing with others.. friends constantly comment on my patience. My patience with others has grown greatly.
I’ve learned that the same compassion that I have for others, I can turn inward on myself to great effects. Over the last couple of months, I’ve been kinder to myself. I’ve feared that this might make me less productive, but there doesn’t seem to be any evidence of that. In fact, I’ve been more productive.
This proved to be the most transformative class I have ever taken. Overall, I feel more harmonious with myself and others. The assignments we do each day have had a ripple effect on my entire experience of being. I feel much closer to my coworkers, strangers on the street, and even to those dear to me that I was taking for granted.
This class transformed how I look at relationships with others and my relationship to myself. By being kind to myself, I am able to be kinder to others.
Taking the course allowed me to be more aware of my objectives, understand what really makes me feel well, and learn to better deal with suffering. More than that, the course taught me to perceive my every day experiences in a new way. I am now more objective in judging life events and less anxious and distressed in receiving them. Learning and applying the material of the course has also led to more rewarding interpersonal relationships and a deeper sense of connecting with any person I meet.
Firstly, I would like to thank you so much for the important work you are doing. The class we had yesterday was life-changing for me. After the meditation, I felt lighter and excited of what's to come in my life. Thank you so much for the teachings and meditations!
I learned that everyone has fears and challenges just like me. The class opened my heart more and I have less judgment. After taking this class, I finally feel that I can offer compassion to myself.
In the last two months, thanks to this class, the way I engage with the world has become more positive and easeful.
Dear Elizabeth, Thank you for the luminous information on self-compassion. My brain feels so relaxed. I wrap my heart around yours.
This compassion class gives such connection to the whole world and gratefulness for being alive, in this moment...In the Inner Critic class I learned that it's possible to look at inner critic with kindness and I can do it over and over again. Class was structured, relevant, plenty of material to explore, follow up emails and homeworks, all so beneficial.
I felt I was in a cocoon... so safe and coddled and loved.
I appreciate how you approach the issue from all angles, including scientific and spiritual. The image of Siddhartha repelling Mara’s negativity with lotus flowers was a good one! Thank you for devoting your extensive education and career to improving the lives of others! I’ve asked our firm’s business manager to check with our insurance broker about the availability of funds for wellness training, since it would be wonderful to have you come and present to our team.
My takeaways: the guilt-tripper has worked really hard on me during certain cycles in my life, sucking my energy. Whew — feels good to name it and allow myself to become more aware of it when it arises. Also, the meditation at the end with the 3 loved ones — so powerful. "I honor your path." "I honor your individual choices." "I was not born to judge you."
I just watched the recording and this was an incredible presentation. If you have not seen this it is well worth your time. Thank you for presenting to our group. It is very much appreciated.
One key aspect that resonated deeply was the realization that self-compassion is not a sign of weakness but a source of strength. By acknowledging our imperfections and treating ourselves with the same kindness we readily extend to others, we unlock a reservoir of inner strength. The training session was not just about silencing the inner critic; it was about transforming it into a supportive and nurturing voice. As I left the session, I carried with me a newfound understanding of the science behind a happier and more confident self. The A-ha moment was not a fleeting revelation but a compass guiding me towards a path of continuous self-improvement and self-love. Armed with the knowledge gained, I am now more equipped to navigate life's challenges with a gentler, more compassionate mindset. It was a catalyst for personal growth and transformation.
At first I thought I would watch [the Welcome to Freedom from the Inner Critic video] in segments, but the content flow and emotional vibe you created suggested I'd be better off going start to finish without interruption. Found out later in the video that I was telling my task master (my inner critic has several names) in real time to step back and allow me to grow.
Your topic was very timely for us: freedom from your inner critic and the value of self-compassion. We all appreciated your wisdom and expertise but also your wonderful style and manner of delivery. We are very gracious, and we appreciate the amount of time you shared with us.
This was an excellent session! Thank you Elizabeth for integrating the wisdom you've learned from such diverse disciplines such as mindfulness, neuroscience, emotional intelligence, guided visualization and self-compassion. I took away several specific techniques that will help me on my organizational journeys!
The feedback was astounding! Someone said to me “I can barely sit for a zoom event for 10 mins and she got me hooked for a whole hour!” Your advice was very valuable and the audience came away with many tools and techniques to practice self-compassion and shift the intention to be more positive and foster long-term well-being.
I wanted to thank you for your presentation to the Financial Women’s Association on Freedom from Your Inner Critic on Monday evening. Your advice was very valuable and the audience came away with many tools and techniques to practice self-compassion and shift the intention to be more positive and foster long-term well-being.
I really get a lot of fulfillment out of being an attorney because I get to help people and be their advocate. In the Freedom from the Inner Critic session, I was deeply moved when you analogized self-compassion as the "advocate" on my side; the one who always tries to paint me in the best light and the one who always has my best interests in mind. I said to myself, "If I can do this day in and day out for my clients, why can't I do it for myself?" It's a powerful motivator to be kind to yourself and not constantly judge. My wife has always noticed that I "beat myself up" constantly... Over the years, I've tried a lot of solutions to stop these intrusive and destructive negative thoughts, but so far, I've gotten the quickest, most effective relief from your program and your texts! Thank you so much for everything. I look forward to your next installment.
Your presentation on Freedom from the Inner Critic today was truly amazing. Your insightful presentation and invaluable resources can make a huge impact in my life and bring much-needed peace. Once again, thank you for the enlightening presentation and for offering to share your self-compassion meditation resources.
Just wanted to drop a quick thank you note for the super helpful session. You really shed light on something I've been poking around for a while but never seemed to get anywhere with.
What changed for me in the Freedom from the Inner Critic Class was approaching the critical voice with curious listening, compassion and BOUNDARIES.
I loved the Happiness Sangha Freedom from the Inner Critic Class. I felt the connection to all of humanity at a deeper level knowing that the struggle with Mara is as old as time and that everyone is living the same internal battle. I've been working on my inner-dialogue and self-care throughout the Covid-induced time of introspection and I find that the dynamic that Mara and I have is somewhat like family members with differing views on life and politics. When she reminds me of flaws or mistakes, I remind her that I am human and that she is entitled to her opinion. Sometimes I just say, 'thank you for pointing out the opportunity to learn Mara.' She has been showing up less and less the more I accept her.
It was heaven.
In this class I'm moving and learning from a place of joy and curiosity.
Thank you, Elizabeth, for teaching these classes out of your busy schedule and answering my questions. These classes are helpful in ways that are hard to articulate, and the people I've met in the class inspired me in many ways. Awareness of self-criticism and living in harmony with it help make our lives easier, and I believe can help us make better relationships and friendships.
I love the integration of readings, learning, and meditation. It gives every act more substance and wholeness. I love the dimensionality of the class in this way!
This class is a perfect continuation of the eight-week compassion training, which I'm finding really set the foundation for the work we're doing now. The Happiness Sangha classes all build on each other. I've experienced a shift. I am meditating daily and am almost craving that time to soak in the stillness and allow myself the simple luxury of peaceful presence. Thanks for being such a knowledgeable, gentle and kind guide on this incredible journey. I always considered myself a deep, loving, introspective and self-aware person. But this is showing me an inside world I didn't know was there.
I loved everything about this class and am so grateful that any resistance, hesitation I had to taking it I overcame.
I cherish and value myself so much more now that I've taken the Happiness Sangha Inner Critic class and developed an awareness of my Mara. I like that actual scientific data was involved amongst reading material given as our homework. Surprisingly, I found it delightful to interact in groups AND with my group buddies! It was so much fun and just a great opportunity to meet amazing people here in this class. This class brought so much positivity, smiles, and happiness into my life. Truly an amazing experience Elizabeth.
Since taking Happiness Sangha classes, the relationship with my daughter is making great leaps and bounds. I found that if I listen without judgment (surprise), put all of my things down and talk from my heart, everything gets off to a great start. We all (the mediation buddies) agreed that the inner critic was one that would be with us long after the course is over.
Thanks to the Happiness Sangha Inner Critic Class, I am more far more aware of the inner critic - both toward myself and others. I don't know that I've been able to let go of anything in particular. But the fact that I feel less of a constant knot inside my stomach leads me to believe I've made enough progress to help me continue with meditating daily. The meditations were my favorite parts by far. I really enjoy the way you lead them!
Thanks to the Happiness Sangha Inner Critic class, Thanks to this class, I'm finding more acceptance of myself in each moment. I always enjoy how Elizabeth references a variety of people, whether they are scientists, musicians, poets, religious figures, or others. This gives me a glimpse of reality when light is shined on it from many different directions.
Honestly, I enjoyed the entirety of the program. I enjoyed the meditations and the breathing tools to help one begin a shift in their mindset ... It is refreshing to have acknowledgement of how stressful the practice of law can be coupled with the every day stresses of life/world.
Thanks to Happiness Sangha programs I have become more spacious. I have more appreciation and acceptance of the challenges, difficulties and difficult people. Much more consistency in meditation. I'm missing it the days I have not done it, and cherishing these precious self-care moments.
The most important thing I learned in this class is that my thoughts are just my thoughts. Not who I am. Elizabeth's tone, energy, vibe is so calming. And the fact she brings in so many different pieces of information. From psychology and religion. Such a well rounded course.
After taking Happiness Sangha classes, I've become a lot calmer and genuinely happier. My mood has stabilized and don't experience ups and downs as much as I used to. My family noticed positive changes too. I am more fun to be around now. I am honestly quite shocked at the changes.
In this class I noticed that being kind to myself spills over onto all other beings, without special additional effort.
I was very engaged with the topic and the speaker's amazing background ... Her focus on such an important aspect of life that affects all human beings; the deep nature of the self-critic issue, as well as the self-compassion solution, using meditation and affirmative statements as daily practice tools ... was truly engaging.
After taking the Happiness Sangha inner critic class, the grip is loosened of most criticism.
Lovely to be there. It was intriguing, curious, wonderful.
I appreciate the calming, supportive, encouraging manner in which Elizabeth delivered her presentation. Not only was Elizabeth talking about self-compassion, but she was talking about it compassionately! She made me feel like incorporating self-compassion into my daily thinking (or, at least, moving in that direction) is something that I am capable of accomplishing.
I appreciated how Elizabeth helped participants reframe their inner critic/dialogue, e.g. rather than thinking I need to exercise because I am out of shape, it could be I want to exercise so I can stay healthy and do the things I want to do in life. This type of reframing helps to generate more positive and compassionate emotions and stances rather than always living in the negativity bias.
Thanks to this Happiness Sangha class on the Inner Critic, I am much more aware that I can contribute to my happiness and ease by taking the inner critic out of the equation. As a first timer in this class, this content ALL feels brand new. I find myself wondering how I've never encountered it before and wanting all humans to have access it! I love the balance between disciplines (religion, poetry, science, etc). Elizabeth you are knowledgeable and wise and find a way to make this class so accessible.
This helped me see how how discomfort and anxiety in my day-to-day life related to fears that I have held for a lifetime. Thank you!
The Happiness Sangha Energy class is opening my eyes on how much I try to control. I learned that I want to make everybody happy and that takes a lot out of me.
The Happiness Sangha Energy class is opening my eyes on how much I try to control. I learned that I want to make everybody happy and that takes a lot out of me.
I just completed the class yesterday and loved it so much! The energy awareness you are imparting is so life changing! In reflecting, I was able to visualize all of the people, places and things that are taking and or giving me energy, and this awareness is very enlightening! Especially within myself! I am going to keep meditating everyday and even look to increase it because it is helping me to become more aware of everything, I really appreciate you and your teachings more and more every day! You are making a huge impact on my life (and no doubt on so many others!) and I cannot thank you enough. I am excited about it all!! :)
Elizabeth’s classes are a consistent flow of nuggets of truth.
The Happiness Sangha Energy class has given me so much to reflect on and really changed my perspective and on why I feel chronically tired and different areas that contribute to that, and the different ways to change it. The most important thing I learned are the links between energy, creativity, talent, and happiness.
This much-needed class really provided clarity on the things in my life that were draining.
What is the main reason I take meditation classes with Elizabeth? I enjoy Elizabeth's breadth of knowledge and how she can relate seemingly random topics back to the subject. I feel empowered, energized, calm and healthy.
After the Happiness Sangha Energy class, I'm still thinking about how fatigue is a teacher— teaching me that I might be scared or that a task may not matter to me. This class has been motivating— helping me tap into/explore how I can enhance energy, kindness, love, passion, vibrancy, joy so that I can be of service to life/loved ones and other beings… I love Elizabeth's knowledge of poetry, literature, Tibetan Buddhist philosophy, various forms of religions and spirituality. I tend to be in awe of her genius. Learn so much from her!
This class has made me see energy in a whole new way—as something that I am in control of, not as something that happens to me. I learned that what others think of me is not in my control. Not accepting this will destroy my energy.
I'm done with the first week of Resilience. Your classes are so packed with amazing ingredients. I love the combo of emotions, intellect, heart, mind, science, psychology. I am feeling blessed to have crossed paths with your vibration and way of teaching/being and it's sort of surreal I'm coming to Italy, what an adventure! I love the poems too. I can feel the meditation practices shifting me and moving a lot of energy and emotions. it's pretty wild.
I am so grateful for your work. It is so healing to meditate with resilience.... I thank you every day…. My meditation became deeper. Now I can be with myself, happy or sad.
This is making me want to leave the class and take on the world.
I can’t tell you how many times I have taken these classes and trainings, and yet, you have done it differently! I realized that one of the things you do is really speak from within. It never feels like you are reading words from a manual that you don’t try to live by yourself or understand. I am very grateful.
I have studied resilience and particularly compassion-based resilience before and my hope that this class would provide another angle and perspective has been fulfilled, as I expected as you have so much wisdom to share. The way you energize - you are a source of energy.
Thank you for the beautiful space that you created Elizabeth, and being able to share it in communion with so many others.
Loved everything about the class! You are such a gifted teacher - every word has a lot of thought and life experience behind it. And pure intentions - it is clear that your biggest concern is helping your students. The material itself was top notch and very relevant to my life right now. It gave me things to work on right away. It feels like this material has the potential to totally change my relationship with my son. We'll see how it works out long term, but I felt it made an immediate, profound difference, and I hope to be able to keep it up.
Love Elizabeth’s gentle, calm voice in meditations. In Resilience class, I have released myself from so much old pain and pictures of what was.
Love Elizabeth’s gentle, calm voice in meditations. In Resilience class, I have released myself from so much old pain and pictures of what was.
In the Happiness Sangha Resilience class, I deepened my meditation practice and found ways to integrate it throughout the day, to live more peacefully and more in tune with the world around me, instead of resisting things. I enjoyed the informal homework, which was a very helpful bridge between formal meditation practice and real life, and helped me take the same peace that I feel during seated meditation in my everyday.
In the Resilience Program, I deepened my meditation practice and found ways to integrate it throughout the day, to live more peacefully and more in tune with the world around me, instead of resisting things. I enjoyed the informal homework, which was a very helpful bridge between formal meditation practice and real life, and helped me take the same peace that I feel during seated meditation in my everyday.
I loved the volume of rich material in Resilience class, which I will continue to process. The overarching insights were an inspiration. Elizabeth’s preparation, warmth and attentiveness to her students made the experience a delight as well. Thank you! I feel more conscious of the flow of existence and better able to engage in the world with peace and ease. The final teaching was especially powerful.
The Resilience class was life-affirming and transformative! This wisdom is so good for my nervous system. Thanks Elizabeth!
I think what shifted for me in the Happiness Sangha Resilience class is becoming more open and accepting my infinite self. Thank you for having me as your student, Elizabeth. I’m forever grateful for you as a mentor, teacher, who instills so much wisdom and kindness to me and your students. After this class, I’m happy and excited to be on a journey to awaken my infinite possibilities with an open heart, mind, and much gratitude. Look forward to learning more about the spiritual teachings, and getting to know myself better.
I think what shifted for me in Resilience class is becoming more open and accepting my infinite self. Thank you for having me as your student, Elizabeth. I’m forever grateful for you as a mentor, teacher, who instills so much wisdom and kindness. After this class, I’m happy and excited to be on a journey to awaken my infinite possibilities with an open heart, mind, and much gratitude. Look forward to continuing and getting to know myself better.
Having taken the Happiness Sangha Resilience class, I feel more centered, confident and strong.
I find your teachings so profound and inspiring and you do a wonderful job relating these concepts with ease and kindness.
Thanks to Resilience Class, I’ve started meditating again.
In my continual combination of meditation practice which allows me to pay more attention, be more present and surrender to what is in front of me...has resulted in an amazing woman coming into my life. ... Luck has shined upon me for sure, but it was all of the work I have been doing with you that allowed this to happen. Thank you.
Having taken Resilience class, I feel more open.
With this class, I found another path to acceptance of myself and others and the universe.
Thank you for the extraordinary density and range of insight, taken from so many traditions and individuals.
Love meditations & the sense of community in Resilience class.
I am more in touch with myself, my self-compassion is stronger. I am more connected with my challenges rather than disconnected. The class is revelatory and reinforcing.
Fabulous meditation. I selfishly want you to do one every day! Thank you so much for doing this!
What a great thing to do midweek! One thing I noticed toward the end of the meditation was a feeling of warmth and stronger connection. What a gift that is! Hope you have a great day and week!
Thank you, Elizabeth. That was a beautiful half hour, during which everything felt ok.
Your meditations have lifted a heavy emotional weight off my shoulders for that I am appreciative and grateful. You provide enough positive energy for the week. You help me keep things in proper perspective. Thank you and see you next Wednesday.
So good to be at the Wednesday night compassion meditations. In the last two days, my shoulders were aching. By the end of the first meditation, I was a puddle of mindfulness and goodness. Thank you!!
I just wanted to say what a truly wonderful meditation it was today. I felt a jolt of sadness in my heart when I heard that we will be taking a break! I do hope you will be bringing it back mid-May. With each session I feel a deepening of the mind and it has become a warm, loving anchor in my weekly life. It is a nourishment that my body, soul and heart have come to rely on. My body, heart, and nervous system bow to you in gratitude.
Thank you Elizabeth. I enjoyed the 8 weeks of compassion meditations and feel like I am facing Spring with an open heart. Our paths having crossed at this time of my life was not random... so grateful that we did. Namaste.
The session was like a warm bath of light… so brilliant yet soft at the same time. Thank you!
Thank you for doing this for us, Elizabeth! I feel so much support and just kind, warm thoughts all around me. You always give me that necessary boost and I so look forward to it!
I did some of the exercises and they WORKED. I also believe in my power and how broad and intuitive it is. Most importantly, I learned to process fear.
I learned that emotions can be stored in the body and that they have to be processed.
In Woman's Strength class learned that blocking pain is also blocking joy and that everything in the universe is happening for your joy or growth.
Your work in this area - what you provide - is (literally) exceptional. The field has gotten a bit crowded: while it is just so wonderful that there’s so much awareness around the benefits of having a gratitude practice, I’ve found that in a crowded field a lot of folks have the neuroscience et al. vocabulary without the depth and breadth of research you have. PLUS, your delivery is fantastic, not just when speaking, but especially when guiding the meditations. I really like that you stay in your same voice/tone/register/inflection when doing so.
Having taken this class, I now feel like I can process fear, aggression, all kinds of negative emotions.
I found that Yin energy is very important to nurture, without it, you lack balance and lose 60-70% of your strength. So, what changed for you as a result of this class? Accepting and valuing my yin. I always valued my yang more.
Helped me to connect more to the strength as I have as a woman. I loved all of it. Loved the meditations and the readings were very good.
This class is giving me an understanding of what it might mean to blend, use both yin and yang strength; and how to think about the yin and yang and see how they both give me strength and protect in different ways.
Community is powerful, but women in community is especially important. I just feel less crazy in having feelings and expressing emotion. Also, some things that come intuitively to me were part of this class. I feel vindicated in so many ways.
I learned a lot of valuable lessons in Woman's Strength class. When we fully live out our dark sides, we create space for light to enter. Meeting our aggression and hurt is part of our wholeness. Allow yourself to be who you are.
Having gone through this class. I am now able to look up to women that I had many disagreements with and see their perspective and view on certain things...and simply respect it as I respect my own self, my own beliefs and my own choices. Being in the company of only women was truly a treat and an eye-opening experience... I felt a real warm embrace and support during these beautiful sessions.
Yesterday’s class was really phenomenal! I loved hearing the descriptions of Yin and Yang energy, and how they sit side-by-side in each of us - that resonates for me. Also enjoyed the Goddess Meditation. I really like the academic side of the class, e.g. learning about figures like Kali and tying those lessons back to meditation and self-compassion and strength, particularly for women.
Thank you for once again creating a class that I didn’t know I needed. I remain in awe of your brilliant work.
Thank you for once again creating a class that I didn’t know I needed. I remain in awe of your brilliant work.
I want to thank you enormously for this class, it has changed my life in the best way. It has shined an immense light on my own path. I now realize it’s possible to live a life of energy, full of joy, and beautiful things… Before this class I had the worst jaw clenching period of my life. Every muscle felt tremendously tense, and of course I didn't have energy. This knowledge brought me the SHINIEST LIGHT on life and I've been able to shift and cultivate energy and pursue what gives me energy back. It has been a tremendous and life-saving GPS. I can't find the words to thank you enough. I really believe this has radically shifted my life quality and my desire to live it! Like nothing else before! So THANK YOU FROM A VERY DEEP PLACE IN MY HEART AND SOUL. This has been so priceless.
Thank you so much for this program - I'm getting so much out of it - and thank you for the retreat last weekend at Menla. It was so much more than I expected or could have envisioned. The experience of meditating in a circle of 20 compassionate people was powerful. I've returned home to Maine with a sense of calm and lightness that has continued through the week. :)
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