My Parents

We move forward with a truly happy, healthy, successful life once we have peace in our hearts in regard to our parents. Most of the trouble we have in personal and romantic relationships are just unresolved scenarios with our mother and father. In this psychology, meditation, ancient contemplative practices program, we will resolve all of that!

We can't move forward to a happy, healthy, successful life until we have peace in our hearts about our parents. Most of the trouble we have in personal and romantic relationships are just unresolved scenarios regarding our parents.

What to do if your parents were amazing and you miss them?

What to do if your parents were mean and abusive?

What to do if they were distant?

What to do if they were somewhere in between?

What to do if you didn't know your parents?

There's a way to be psychologically well in all those situations, and you will learn and practice how!

“The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.” — Maya Angelou

We will find that safe place in our hearts and in how we relate to our parents, no matter what the story and no matter who they were.In this program, we will resolve a lot of that!

This class will help you go right to the roots and create peace and joy in your own heart, and share that with the world.


Time: May 21, May 28, June 4, and June 11 from 6 to 8 pm EST

Replay: Yes, available

Place: Zoom video

Host: Happiness Sangha

Facilitator: Elizabeth Pyjov

Registration: here